Fitts-Woolard Hall, North Carolina State University
RWD designed and developed digital experiences throughout North Carolina State University’s engineering building, Fitts-Woolard Hall. All applications were created utilizing a sophisticated Content Management System. The largest interactive is called the “Building Systems Kiosk,” and allows visitors to interact with data on a 65” 4K touchscreen. The user is fed 2- and 3-D content based on their interaction, presented on an elegant and modern 3×3 video array. Content is derived in real time from data collected by hundreds of sensors throughout the building.
The Content Management System connects with the building’s control panel via BACnet protocol, and retrieves information on predetermined intervals ranging from every ten seconds to once a day. The system is designed and structured to run 24/7. Staff have the ability to manipulate what is being displayed, and can even capture statistical data from the kiosks, like what stories are being viewed the most, how users interact with certain applications, and the status of each kiosk.